February 1, 2022
As the construction on the campus comes close to an end, I want to brief you on the progress. The partial repairs on the Main Sanctuary are done. The roofs on the administration and the youth building are finished. The gym roof is almost done. The Wesley Abbey roof is in the process of being replaced. I want to thank Morette Company for their professionalism and excellent work.
Although the campus is not fully restored from Hurricane Sally damage, the campus has come a long way in the last few months. I am grateful to the Trustees, Finance committee, and Church leadership during this time. God has incredibly blessed this church for over 200 years and God is not done. Thanks be to God!
In Christ,
Brandon Bures
Associate Pastor
December 10, 2021
November 29, 2021
Dear Friends,
We have exciting, good news for you! A day we have been praying for is almost here.– we are returning to our beloved sanctuary for worship! Praise God!
For over a year First Church has been without our familiar sacred space of worship. The word sanctuary became less about place and more about practice as our community connected and cared for each other through some of the most difficult times. Like many other congregations throughout the pandemic, we came together virtually on Sunday mornings. In September 2020, Hurricane Sally created yet another obstacle. Our beautiful campus sustained damages leaving our Sanctuary in need of repairs.
After two months of renovations, the clergy and staff of First Church are excited to announce that we will resume traditional worship in our Main Sanctuary on Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 8:30 & 11:00am! Please note the early service time shift to 8:30am. We will continue to offer three services each Sunday; Traditional at 8:30 & 11:00am and ICON at 11:00am. We will maintain this schedule until further notice, however, if our attendance numbers continue to grow, we will reevaluate service times.
We are looking forward to many more years of worship in our safe and secure house of worship. May the Lord be with us as we live in this world to the Glory of God.
God has richly blessed us. So, let us come together in worship and offer God our praise and thanksgiving! I look forward to seeing you in our sanctuary on December 12, 2021. Come, share, and rejoice! The Lord is with us!
Your Pastor,
Rev. Dr. Wesley H. Wachob
Senior Pastor
November 21, 2021
The repairs in the Main Sanctuary and replacement of the metal roof are coming along nicely. The crew has started to begin the repairs to the Henry Roberts Activities Center and Choir Room roofs.
November 3, 2021
The construction crew has started to remove the existing slate from the roof in preparation for our new roof to be installed in the coming weeks. Please note that the courtyard, between Wesley Abbey and the Main Sanctuary, will be closed to all foot traffic until further notice. For your safety, we ask that you only use the entrances on the front and back of Wesley Abbey, as well as the clearly marked path to the Front Office.
October 31, 2021
Contractors have started repairing and repainting the damaged areas of the ceiling and walls in the Main Sanctuary.
October 21, 2021
Prep work continues on the campus this week. The contractors have started to prep the sanctuary for work by draping the organ and pews as well as setting up the scaffolding.
October 13, 2021
Prep work continues on the campus this week. Contractors have started to power wash the Main Sanctuary brick to prep for sealant and paint, remove and replace old caulking on the windows in the atrium, prep work for painting the stairwells, as well as prep work for painting and repairs of the Main Sanctuary bathrooms.
October 11, 2021
After over a years since Hurricane Sally damaged our campus, we are so excited to begin the initial repairs on our Main Sanctuary!