Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church

Upcoming events

50 Forward Celebrates – Senior Week
Visit to Register by April 1.
Join us for our week-long celebration, April 6 – 11, 2025 as we recognize 50-Forward Ministries at First United Methodist Church of Pensacola. We will have a week full of fun and fellowship as we enjoy a variety of activities including: Burgers & Bingo with First Church Student Ministry, A Learning Table Education Speaker on “What you need to know about Annual Wellness Visits”, a delicious Lunch Out at The Grand Marlin on Pensacola Beach, an XYZ Trip with guided tour at the Chappie James Museum of Pensacola and lastly, a special evening at our 50-Forward Banquet in The Wright Place. Join us for a Grand Night of Singing with Libby Kephart Hargrave, Sam Waite and Heidi Branch as they bring Broadway to First Church.   Registration and payment are required for all events by April 1. Email Jennifer Piver at for assistance.

Weekly ministry events

Coffee with Friends
Tuesdays | 9:30-10:30am | Library
Join a small friendly group for fellowship. We have no agenda other than to get out of the house and to enjoy time with friends…. new and old. Coffee and pastries are provided.

Grand Monday Nights
Mondays | 7:00 – 8:00pm
Free Weekly Webinars

Register at Hear from a variety of speakers and relevant topics each week to help you grow as a Christian grandparent.In these webinars, you’ll get practical ideas and information on grandparenting, learn how to nurture your grandchildren’s faith and overcome obstacles, and find encouragement through testimonies from other grandparents.

Monthly ministry events

Lunch Out
A monthly lunch out at a popular local restaurant to enjoy good food and fellowship around the table. Meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Reservations required.

Silver & Gold
A monthly luncheon and program for Senior Adults in our church and community. Meets on the 4th Thursday afternoon of the month. Reservations required.

Friday Night at The Wright
A monthly dinner and music program for Senior Adults in our church and community. Meets on the 3rd Friday evening of the month. Reservations required.


Xtra Years of Zest (XYZ)
XYZ plans special trips to interesting places outside of the Pensacola area about once a quarter. These trips are also open to other senior adults in the community. Reservations required. 

Lunch & Learn
A luncheon and education program for Senior Adults in our church and community about once a quarter. Guests learn about topics such as fall prevention, medicare planning, internet safety, and more. Reservations required. 

You’re invited to find a place to connect and grow at First Church. Click HERE to find out about classes and groups for adults!

Safe Sanctuaries

First Church follows Safe Sanctuaries procedures to create an environment in which children, youth and the adults who work with them have boundaries of safe space.


Jennifer PiverDirector of Fifty Forward Ministries
Email Jennifer, 850-432-1434


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