Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church

Joyful Joyful

Last April our church embarked on something called Project Grow. It was a response to a call and desire for growth in the church in which church leadership laid out a plan. We believed God could use this plan to give growth to our First Church congregation and ministry, allowing us to better fulfill the mission of the churchmaking disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Joyful, Joyful is an initiative born out of Project Grow designed to expand and enhance our worship of God through a focus on and building up of the beauty, comfort, and functionality of our sacred spaces. It involves new construction, renovation, and church planting to grow our ministry and our impact on the community in the name of Jesus Christ.

This will be prayerfully done through the three facets of Joyful, Joyful — a Worship Series, a Generosity Campaign, and a Building Project. You probably already know about some of the construction that’s been happening around campus in the past few months. Over the next six weeks, we’ll celebrate what’s been happening and talk about the opportunities ahead of us and the role we can all play in making our visions a reality.

The heart of Joyful, Joyful is planting seeds for the future of our church, our worship, and our community. You may have heard us say that First Church is “a historic church that embraces the future.” We say it all the time and we want it to be true. Joyful, Joyful is our opportunity to live it out.

Worship Series

Each week of our Joyful, Joyful Worship Series we came together for an exciting celebration of worship and worship arts at First Church. Each Sunday’s focus came from a line of our theme verse and the great hymn, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”.

Sunday, January 26 – “Unfold Like Flowers”
Celebration with Seeds and Flowers

Sunday, February 2 – “Reflect Thy Rays”
Celebration with Candles and Light

Sunday, February 9 – “Teach Us, Lift Us”
Celebration with Art and Architecture

Sunday, February 16 – “Join the Chorus”
Celebration with Music

Sunday, February 23 – “March We Onward”
Celebration with Movement and Dance

Sunday, March 6 – “Joyful, Joyful Sunday”

Generosity Campaign


Last April we embarked on Project Grow, a response to a call and desire for growth in the church. We all laid out a plan which we believed God could use to give growth to our First Church congregation and ministry allowing us to better fulfill the mission of the church. “Joyful, Joyful” is an initiative born out of Project Grow designed to expand and enhance our worship of God through a focus on and building up of the beauty, comfort, and functionality of our sacred spaces. It involves new construction, renovation, and church planting to grow our ministry and our impact on the community in the name of Jesus Christ.

The program consists of three parts:

  1. A Building Project
  2. A Generosity Campaign
  3. A Worship Series

    The heart of Joyful, Joyful is planting seeds for the future of our church, our worship, and our community. Inspired by the great hymn, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,” we are stepping forward in faith to ensure that our church remains a place of joy, beauty, and vibrant worship for generations to come. 

What is the Generosity Campaign?
The “Joyful, Joyful Generosity Campaign” is how we raise funds to meet our goals for the building project. Our total campaign goal is $1,500,000.

Through the generosity campaign, we aim to expand and enhance our worship by:

  1. Completing Phase I of the already-in-progress Joyful, Joyful Building Project;
  2. Establishing a Satellite Campus in Beulah;
  3. Initiating Phase II of construction and renovations of the Joyful, Joyful Building Project.



• Completing Phase I of the already-in-progress Joyful, Joyful Building Project (approximately $508,340);
• Establishing a Satellite Campus in Beulah (approximately $200,000);
• and Initiating Phase II of construction and renovations of the Joyful, Joyful Building Project (approximately $791,660).


How will the campaign affect my tithe or offering?
It’s important to note that the Joyful, Joyful is not our annual stewardship campaign. Your regular tithe and offering should not be impacted. Our tithe should always be our first priority. The biblical standard of tithe (10%) is our foundational giving. This generosity campaign is an opportunity to give sacrificially above and beyond our regular offering.

Why are funds necessary for the future?
We’re growing! And our goal is to create space that can accommodate that growth and facilitate even more growth. This campaign will help to provide for the means to achieve that goal. What about the projects we’ve already started? The true cost of the Joyful, Joyful initiative is a little over $4 million. The good news is that a significant portion of that amount has already been committed through the Capital Fund (made up of funds rolled over from the previous Restore campaign, our settlement money, and monies saved for other capital expenses). Thanks to this fund, we were able to begin some of the most pressing work. The Joyful, Joyful Generosity Campaign was always intended to complete and build on the work that has already begun. I already give to support the mission and ministry of the church. How can I give more? We thank you for your gifts to God through First Church. Supporting the mission and ministry of the church is essential. This campaign is an additional opportunity to give back to God.

When and where will my faith commitment be made?
Commitment Sunday is on Transfiguration Sunday, March 2. That is when most of the congregation will make their commitments.

How will commitments be paid?
It is up to you. Giving will take place over a three-year period. Commitments may be paid from now through March 31, 2028. Gifts may be given weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or in any way that is most convenient for you.

What about assets other than money?
Assets that can be converted to cash such as real estate, stocks, bonds, life insurance, and other securities are excellent ways to give. Gifts of appreciated assets may have additional tax benefits to the donor.

How much will each person be expected to give?
The only expectation is that each person prays and asks the question, “Lord, what do you want to do through me to fulfill your will for First Church and bring more joy to the world?” and go where God leads. While the amounts will obviously be different for everyone, our hope is that each person will be led by God to give generously and sacrificially.

What is the most important thing to do now?
Make prayer your priority. Pray daily and regularly for God to guide you and then follow God’s will. Be in prayer about the role you and your family are being called to take. Then listen and follow God’s direction.

Planning your gift over three years

Your faith-based commitment to the Joyful, Joyful Generosity Campaign is a special gift above and beyond your regular tithe to the First United Methodist Church of Pensacola.

Commitments may be paid now through March 31, 2028. Gifts may be given weekly, monthly, yearly, or in any way that is most convenient to you. These tables are for quick calculation of giving. No one should feel constrained by these examples.

Assets that can be converted to cash such as real estate, stocks, bonds, life insurance, and other securities are excellent ways to give. Gifts of appreciated assets may have additional tax benefits to the donor. Contact the finance department at for more information


Make prayer your first priority. Be in prayer about the role you and your family are called to take. Then listen and follow God’s direction.

Click HERE to submit your commitment card online/use the form below, use one of our pledge cards to submit your pledge via mail, or offer your pledge card in-person at our services on March 2. See chart above to help you plan your pledge.

Commitments may be paid now through March 31, 2028. Gifts may be given weekly, monthly, yearly, or in any way that is most convenient to you. Preferred Giving Methods are direct deposit (CLICK HERE TO GIVE ONLINE), cash, or check. Checks can be made out to FUMC Pensacola, Joyful written in the memo line. First Church’s mailing address is 6 East Wright Street.