First United Methodist Church of Pensacola has three Sunday morning worship services in a variety of styles. Each service follows the Revised Common Lectionary, celebrates Communion weekly, and includes a special sermon for children. Click HERE to find more about what we believe.

Traditional Services
8:30 & 11:00am | Main Sanctuary
The Traditional Services include a sermon by The Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz, Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, as well as music led by Dr. Rick Branch and the Main Sanctuary Choir.

11:00am | Wesley Abbey
ICON is a tradition rich service, with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary music, that includes a sermon by the Rev. Brandon Bures, Associate Pastor, and music led by Brian Brown and our ICON worship team.
Directions & Parking
First United Methodist Church of Pensacola is located at 6 East Wright Street, Pensacola, Florida 32501.
For Kids & Youth
We offer Sunday morning nursery, as well as Sunday School opportunities for Pre-K through 12th Grade.
Worship Online
We provide weekly online worship opportunities on Sunday mornings at 8:00 & 11:00am here and on Facebook.
Sunday Morning Classes
We offer a wide variety of Sunday mornings classes at 9:45am for adults. These smaller communities encourage us to grow as disciples as we study, serve, and build community. Our Sunday Morning Classes span every age and life-stage.
Not sure what class to try? Stop by the welcome desk on Sunday morning or contact Emily Kincaid | for assistance.
Our Clergy
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz Senior Pastor
Rev. Brandon Bures Executive Pastor
Rev. Emily Kincaid Associate Pastor
Dr. Rick Branch Minister of Music
Complete List of Ministers and Staff