Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church

Tanzania Tea Fundraiser

Seating Options: Table of 2 – $50, Table of 4 – $100, Table of 8 – $200

Come enjoy a spot of tea while supporting the Children’s Ministries of Tanzania.  In 2024, we will continue the Alabama West Florida Conference partnership, Teaming with Tanzania,  by offering the third in a series of three workshops dedicated to the training and support of UMC children’s leaders.  To raise support for this ministry, our team will be hosting a Tanzania Tea Room, complete with a traditional style tea that will include a variety of teas, tasty scones, savory tea sandwiches and yummy sweets.  We hope you will invite friends to come enjoy a wonderful tea while supporting a wonderful ministry. Cost is $25 per person which includes sandwiches, scones, baked treats and your choice of three teas. Seating options include tables of two, four or eight. Contact Lisa Bond at 850-549-8967 with any questions.