Lent is a solemn religious observance that begins on Ash Wednesday and covers the nearly seven weeks (40 days, not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter. Lent is a time of preparation and reflection through prayer, self-denial, and repentance.
5:00 – 6:00pm | The Wright Place
Join us for dinner and fellowship with your church family! Dinner can be purchased for $10/adult, $4/child, with a max cost of $27/family.
PLEASE NOTE: Dinner reservations are no longer required!
Daily readings
During the season of Lent, we invite everyone to join us in some daily devotions provided in our conference by our friends at Huntingdon College. The devotion book is called Hope from Ashes: A Daily Guide for Lent. Click on the link below to view the PDF.
Wednesday Night Lenten Services
Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9 | 6:00pm | Main Sanctuary
Each of these special 45-minute Lenten Services features a guest speaker from around the United Methodist Conference. We will offer Holy Communion at each of these services. We’ll also have special music each week from our Music Ministry.

Rev. Dr. Michelle Bogue-Trost
Pastor of Asbury First United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY

Rev. Ryan Martin
Pastor of First United Methodist Church, Bonifay, Fl

Rev. Scott Grantland
Pastor of Grace United Methodist Church, Auburn, AL

Rev. Carlea Jordan
Pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church, Pensacola, FL

Ella Jane Hoffmaster
Candidate for Ministry in the
United Methodist Church
Lent for Kids
Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9 | 6:00pm | Chapel
Children (K-5th) will participate in a worship time geared just for them with an activity time to follow. Drop-off in Chapel and Pick-Up in Gym.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday Services
Sunday, April 13 | 8:30, 11:00am, & ICON at 11:00am
First Kids: Palm Sunday Parade & Family Holy Week Program
Sunday, April 13 | 9:45 – 10:45am
All children and parents are invited to participate in this special Palm Sunday event! We will go on a parade through the church halls, then over to Wesley Haven. After our parade, we will all go into the Great Hall for an interactive Holy Week experience. Parents will drop off children in their normal Sunday School room and then line up on the 2nd floor catwalk in the gym.
Easter Egg Hunt & Lunch on the Grounds
Sunday, April 13 | Noon | Lawn
All are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt! We will enjoy a picnic lunch, egg hunt, prize drawing, games, music, & and fellowship on the FUMC lawn. We are asking our congregation members and all families of children attending to donate a dozen stuffed eggs (no chocolate please) per child. Please have them dropped off in the designated bins by Sunday, April 6. Make sure to bring your own chair, blanket, & basket! No registration is required (donation accepted).
Labyrinth & Stations of the Cross
Tuesday, April 15 – Thursday, April 17
10:00am – 2:00pm & 4:00 – 7:00pm | Wesley Abbey
The congregation and community is invited to use this sacred space as an opportunity to focus their hearts and minds on the significance of Holy Week, as we all prepare ourselves for the coming Easter Sunday. This formational opportunity is hosted with Center for Sacred Space.
Journey to the Cross Concert
Tuesday, April 15 | 7:00pm | Main Sanctuary
Passover & Last Supper Remembrance Meal
Thursday, April 17 | 5:30pm | The Wright Place
Click HERE to Register by April 14
This special meal is an opportunity to remember and understand what Jesus did with his disciples at the Last Supper. Each of the items arranged on your plate has special significance to the retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt which is the focus of this ritual meal.
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 17 | 7:00pm | Main Sanctuary
On this night we commemorate the supper Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion, when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet and instituted the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Join us for a Holy Thursday message, music from the Music Ministry, and Holy Communion.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Friday, April 18| 7:00pm | Main Sanctuary
Tenebrae is a service of darkness commemorating the crucifixion. This service includes readings from the passion narrative while candles are extinguished.