The Methodist Children’s Academy (MCA) is a thriving ministry of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola. We believe that each child is a unique gift from God, and therefore worthy of love, acceptance, and support.
MCA offers a year-round preschool program to infants through pre-kindergarten with an after-school program for elementary children (select locations). Our childcare programs run continuously throughout the year except for designated school holidays. (See MCA Calendar for a list of closures.)
This ministry began in 1983 as a half-day, Mother’s Day Out program and playgroup with approximately 18 children. A full-day, contracted program began in 1997 and FUMC Pensacola took over full operation on May 27, 2000. We will begin a new partnership with St. Mark UMC in August 2024 and open a second location, MCA – East Hill.
Our goal at MCA is to assist every child in reaching their fullest capable potential and to help build an excellent foundation for future learning. Our open-door policy encourages our student’s loved ones to be active participants in their education through volunteering, and attending special events and school-wide activities.
The curriculum incorporates monthly themes and provides music, chapel, movement, art, language, and age-appropriate special events. Religion is integrated into our program through stories, songs, art, and many other forms. We start every morning with an assembly, which includes The Lord’s Prayer.
FUMC Pensacola
6 East Wright Street
St. Mark UMC
2203 N 12th Ave
850 432-7778
Payments should be made to Methodist Children’s Academy via our Procare Online platform. We accept ACH Bank Transfer (preferred), or card ($10 fee). Checks are also accepted (made out to Methodist Children’s Academy) and can be placed in the tuition box. Please understand that by registering your child, you are agreeing to pay the yearly tuition.
Tuition payments are due the first (1st) of every month and are delinquent after the fifth (5th) of the month. Tuition payments made after the tenth (10th) of the month will have a $25 late fee applied. Tuition not paid by the end of the month will forfeit your child’s spot in the program. If there is any difficulty in reaching this deadline, please immediately notify the Child Care Accountant. Be advised that two returned checks will result in a denial of acceptance of any further payment by check. All future payments will need to be made in the form of a cashier’s check, money order, or cash. Payments made by mail must be received by the deadline and not just postmarked by the first.