Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church

MCA – Downtown

The Downtown campus of our Methodist Children’s Academy is located at First United Methodist Church of Pensacola. It offers year-round Full Day and VPK programs for infants through pre-kindergarten, as well as an after-school care program for elementary-aged students.


“Know Your Childcare Facility” Brochure

2025/2026 Registration

Church Members: Registration opens Tuesday, February 18 at 10:00am. Please email to be emailed a registration link.

Public (Age: One – Four): Registration begins on February 24 at 10:00am at

Infant & After School: Registration begins on Monday, April 7 at 10:00am at

NOTE: All rooms will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. We will process applications in the order they were received. Completing these forms DOES NOT guarantee your spot in the program. You will receive an email stating you have been accepted OR waitlisted for the 25-26 school year. Once you fill out the form, please allow 2 business days for our Admin Staff to process your applications.

Full-Day & VPK Programs

Our rooms are separated by the age groups below. Please note the birthdate to pick the correct class for your child. Email with any questions.

FULL DAY PROGRAM | 7:30am – 5:30pm
Infant Classroom: 
Born between September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025
Ones Classroom: Born between September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024
Twos Classroom: Born between September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023
Threes Classroom: Born between September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022
Fours Classroom: Born between September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021

4 YEAR OLD – VPK PROGRAM | 9:00am – Noon
The Methodist Children’s Academy offers school-year Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK). VPK is a free, half-day (9:00am – Noon) educational program through the state of Florida that prepares 4-year-olds (Born between September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021) for success in kindergarten and beyond. Contact for more information on how to get started. 

Click HERE to find out more from the Florida Department of Education. Those who do not apply for the program through the state of Florida or are not eligible will be charged the Non-VPK rate.

After School Care

2:45 – 5:30pm | FUMC Activities Center & Education Building
We offer an after-school care program for elementary children during the school year. Transportation is provided from N.B Cook, A.K. Suter, and Cordova Park. Care is also offered during Spring, Fall, and Winter Breaks as well as early release days for the public school system.


Enrollment Fees (Due at time of Registration)
Full Day: $160 registration fee or $320 per family
After School Care: $75 registration fee

Tuition Rates
Infant: $1,150/monthly
One (1) Year Old: $1,000/monthly
Two (2) Year Old: $950/monthly
*Three (3) Year Old: $850/monthly
Four (4) Year Old (Non-VPK): $850/monthly
Four (4) Year Old (VPK): FREE (No Registration Fee)
Four (4) Year Old (VPK Extended Care): $750/monthly
After School Care (School Age): $435/monthly

* We understand that children develop at different rates, but our three-year-old classrooms are designed for children who are potty trained. Having a child who is not potty trained in one of our three-year-old rooms requires additional staffing to meet the diapering needs. As a result, we will hold tuition to the two-year-old rate until the child has successfully learned to use the toilet. If a medical condition does not allow the child to be successful in toileting as noted by a physician, we will waive the two-year-old rate in place of the three-year-old tuition.


Payments should be made to Methodist Children’s Academy via our Procare Online platform. We accept ACH Bank Transfer (preferred), or card ($10 fee). Checks are also accepted (made out to Methodist Children’s Academy) and can be placed in the tuition box. Please understand that by registering your child, you are agreeing to pay the yearly tuition.

Tuition payments are due the first (1st) of every month and are delinquent after the fifth (5th) of the month. Tuition payments made after the tenth (10th) of the month will have a $25 late fee applied. Tuition not paid by the end of the month will forfeit your child’s spot in the program. If there is any difficulty in reaching this deadline, please immediately notify the Child Care Accountant. Be advised that two returned checks will result in a denial of acceptance of any further payment by check. All future payments will need to be made in the form of a cashier’s check, money order, or cash. Payments made by mail must be received by the deadline and not just postmarked by the first.

Summer Camp

First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, in conjunction with The Methodist Children’s Academy, is offering weekly summer camps, May 27 – August 6, 2025 for rising 1st – 6th Graders.


850-438-6761 (Main Office – Downtown)
Downtown Director: Melissa Ward

Methodist Children’s Academy – Downtown
First United Methodist Church of Pensacola
6 East Wright Street
Pensacola, FL 32501