Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church



Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 7.47.33 AMA few years ago, I would have chuckled at the thought of getting up early to attend a men’s breakfast and Bible study. Although Bible study has been an important part of my life, I enjoy sleeping late. Then, a member of the Joe Harrell Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study asked me to attend.

What I found amazed and humbled me. I was surrounded by faithful men meeting for fellowship, sharing breakfast, devotion, offering prayer concerns, and encouraging spiritual growth through a closer look at scriptures. Now each Wednesday, I look forward with eagerness to getting up early and meeting together with these other men. And if I had never been invited, I might have never attended and become a part of this wonderful group. My life is now being blessed by these great men because they were faithful in sharing their love for God with me. My life has been blessed because of their evangelism.

Through evangelism God’s gift of salvation and life-changing grace is shared in love with one another. Evangelism isn’t something we do out of obligation. We should invite others to share in the mystery of faith and Christian fellowship with us out of love and excitement. Sharing our faith with others is a natural progression of our overflowing love for God. Like a garden, our soul will grow and thrive as we enrich the soil in which it is planted. Sharing our faith in love will enrich our lives and enrich the lives of others.

Heavenly Father, we pray that just as our own seeds have been planted, let us continue to plant seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of others, knowing that the Holy Spirit will nurture and make other seeds of faith grow and blossom. Let us live our lives knowing that when we work in God’s garden, the glory is all for God. Amen.

Mike Vance
Mike is the current leader of the Joe Harrell Men’s Bible Breakfast and an active participant at First Church.


September 7 | As members of the United Methodist Church, we pledge to support the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Prayerfully consider where you can serve in ministry at First Church. If you haven’t already, complete and return an Every Member in Ministry form specifying areas you hear God calling you to serve.

September 8 | Personal witness is a large part of evangelism. Take some time to reflect on how you live out your personal witness.

September 9 | We’re not called to be stagnant, but to continually grow and learn. Ask God to show you areas in your life where you can grow in your faith and witness.

September 10 | Ask a neighbor or friend to join you in a class, dinner, worship service or other activity at First Church.

September 11 | Reflect on the ways God has worked in and touched your life. Share the love and life changing grace He has given to you with others.

September 12 | Pray for our congregation and leaders as we all embark on a journey of stewardship.


Chilcote, Paul W. and Leceye C. Warner. The Study of Evangelism: Exploring a Missional Practice of the Church. Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2008.

Groome, Thomas H. Sharing Faith: A Comprehensive Approach to Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1991.

Brueggemann, Walter. Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993.